In order to be successful, Light Therapy treatments must be delivered at 3x/week initially. It does not work as well to only treat once or twice a week as we need to stimulate the cells with the light photons at a greater frequency until the body begins to respond. Once a person feels like their condition is approximately 70% improved, we then begin to taper treatments to twice a week. Total treatment time for more severe or chronic conditions is typically between 3 to 4 months of total treatment time.
Acute (new) injuries heal much faster and often achieve great results in just 2-3 weeks of treatment. Injuries and conditions that have been present for 2-6 months typically require longer treatment with us, ranging from 6-8 weeks. Chronic conditions (those present for a year or more) will typically heal slower and may require 3 to 4 months of treatment for good resolution of symptoms and restoration of prior functioning.
We have found that if we treat a condition at 3x/week for six weeks, we are typically beginning to see a good response in most patients with chronic or progressive conditions. We then reduce the frequency to twice a week at that point and treat for another six weeks. We have then found if we “boost” the treatment with 2 treatment sessions a month later and again a month beyond that, we help people achieve their goals in the treatment at the end of this six-month process and can spread the treatments out more at the end of our time with us.
With some conditions that are progressive, such as Neuropathy, Dementia or Parkinson’s Disease for example, treatment needs to continue on a weekly or monthly basis in order for best results to be maintained. We are exploring options for people to continue treatment at home so that they do not need to continue coming into our office once the main part of their treatment is over.
We try to make cost as affordable to patients as possible and feel we have a fair fee schedule for the Colorado Springs market area.
Cost depends on how long each treatment takes. Larger body areas require longer treatment times. Other factors are body type, age and skin pigmentation.
Cost per treatment generally ranges from $30-75 a session depending on what is being treated.
*** New in 2023 for Neurological Conditions: In 2023 we started a new program in which we combine physical therapy neurological re-education exercises such as Brain Gym Exercises and meditation and breathing exercises that are evidence-based in helping the brain and nervous system. We can then bill these procedures to insurance, thereby reducing the out-of-pocket cost of the Light Therapy treatment to just $10-20 in many cases.
Call or email to schedule a consultation to see if this might be an effective treatment for you: (719) 249-1600 [email protected] or [email protected]